Day Rankings by Status - Sun 8 Oct
All Known Pro Sailboards
Note: Potentially inaccurate due to unclassified sailboards (see below).
Rank | Name | Nation | Sail Number | Time | Speed (kts) |
1 | Bjorn Dunkerbeck | NED | 11 | 11:59:27 | 25.30 |
2 | Ian Jones | GBR | 183/321 | 11:59:00 | 24.61 |
All Known Amateur Sailboards
Note: Potentially inaccurate due to unclassified sailboards (see below).
Rank | Name | Nation | Sail Number | Time | Speed (kts) |
1 | Paul Morris | GBR | 31 | 11:42:04 | 25.01 |
2 | Mike Coombes | GBR | 332 | 11:35:16 | 23.03 |
3 | Simon Hinkley | GBR | 40 | 12:08:04 | 22.57 |
4 | Sean Carroll | GBR | 171 | 11:44:32 | 22.33 |
5 | Dave Strudwick | GBR | 44 | 12:16:31 | 19.54 |
6 | Brian "Bruno" Warner | GBR | 349 | 12:22:20 | 15.77 |
7 | Michael Roberts | GBR | 598 | 12:39:06 | 8.74 |
All Unclassified Sailboards
Note: These all belong in 'Pro Sailboards' or 'Amateur Sailboards' (see above).
Rank | Name | Nation | Sail Number | Status | Time | Speed (kts) |
1 | Xavier Ferlet | GBR | 451 | TBC | 12:26:14 | 25.57 |
2 | Ricky Wooding | GBR | 103 | TBC | 11:47:17 | 23.69 |
3 | Marcus Partridge | GBR | 48 | TBC | 11:44:02 | 17.80 |
All Youths
(age <17 on the first day of speed week)
Rank | Name | Nation | Sail Number | Craft Type | Time | Speed (kts) |
1 | Dan Simpson | GBR | 323 | Sailboard | 11:43:01 | 25.49 |
2 | Richard Jones Jr | GBR | 32 | Sailboard | 11:49:05 | 25.30 |
3 | Liam Round | GBR | 948 | Sailboard | 11:27:41 | 22.17 |
4 | Alex Smith | GBR | 941 | Sailboard | 11:46:06 | 21.63 |
5 | Sam Gooch | GBR | 945 | Sailboard | 12:33:53 | 21.55 |
6 | Sam Latham | GBR | GBR 9621/621 | Sailboard | 12:24:30 | 21.49 |
7 | William Rowles | GBR | 668 | Sailboard | 11:32:38 | 17.22 |
All Known Master Sailboards
(age 45+)
Rank | Name | Nation | Sail Number | Status | Time | Speed (kts) |
1 | Ian Jones | GBR | 183/321 | Pro Fleet | 11:59:00 | 24.61 |
2 | Dave Strudwick | GBR | 44 | Amateur | 12:16:31 | 19.54 |
3 | Brian "Bruno" Warner | GBR | 349 | Amateur | 12:22:20 | 15.77 |
4 | Michael Roberts | GBR | 598 | Amateur | 12:39:06 | 8.74 |