

This document contains a list of ideas + plans left to implement for the WSW Results project.

I’ve broken them into “additional features” (medium-sized pieces of development), “minor tweaks” (minor changes / enhancements) and “data quality” (data refinements / report definition changes).

The next major priority is automatic generation of series results for UKWA and ISWC events held during Weymouth Speed Week.

I’ll pick away at all of the the items listed below over the next few months. likely on an intermittent basis!

Additional Features

Full details of the following items can be found in the todo list of sse-results as they will become part of the generic code:

Excel Sync

Add an XLSX to CSV conversion to extract all of the WSW entrant details for the event. This is a bespoke application feature for WSW.

Minor Tweaks

Full details of the following items can be found in the todo list of sse-results as they will become part of the generic code:


The WSW pages are relatively clean looking but some minor improvements for might be worthwhile.

Data Quality

There are some further WSW data quality checks that can be undertaken but they are not a high priority.